
4 Surprising Places to Find Inspiration for Innovation

In such a fast-moving world, it’s so important to stay on the cutting edge. Your creative ideas of yesteryear probably have very little impact on today’s innovative age. With that said, you’ve likely realized the importance of finding inspiration for innovation. Your inspiration may change over time, but at least finding it is a start. Some inspiring things and people may be right in front of you. But others, like the ones here, may take a little digging to find their value to your plan for innovation.

Being successful is not doing extraordinary things, it’s doing ordinary things extraordinary well – Jim Rohn

Seek Inspiration in these areas: 

1. Historical figures with success stories. Much of the world as you know it today is because of contributions from historical figures

  • Many of them took bold steps that didn’t necessarily pay off. But their perseverance and creativity allowed them to become world-changers.
  • Spend some time researching these world-changers. Understand their beginnings, inspirations, challenges, and turning points. You may find some similarities between you and one of them.
  • Use those similarities to drive your own inspirations. Relate what you learned to modern day nuances and you can push the envelope of innovation.

2. Inventions before their time

  • You’ve likely heard the phrase, “think outside the box” before. However, this is probably the first time you’ll be applying it to your plan for innovation.
  • Some of the greatest inventors introduced concepts before the world was even ready for them. These inventions can serve as inspirations for you.
  • Are there ideas in your bedside journal that you felt were too silly to share with anyone? Remember that once your innovation is fascinating enough, it can appeal to others. It can convince them that it’s actually something they want.

3. Nature

  • Look through your window and you’ll see nature all around you. It’s beautiful and intricate. Things that are so specially made are often great sources of inspiration.
  • Look at the colors, shapes and behaviors of nature. Whether plants, animals, or seasons, their uniqueness inspires interest from science and novices alike. Many innovations that stand out take inspiration from elements of nature.
  • Consider how they were created. You may not have all the answers, but that’s okay. What it teaches you is that complexity breeds creativity!

4. People who are overcoming trying obstacles.

  • Their challenges are incomparable and difficult. Yet, they continue to push through with the aim of finding clear skies at the end of the road. If you can lay your eyes on someone like that, you’ll likely get all the inspiration you need!
  • How do they keep moving forward? Are there special strategies they employ? When things seem impossible, the people who create a new path are the ones that change the face of the future.
  • What you’ll realize is that bumps in the road don’t push you one step back. If you really want the prize, those bumps can push you one step further. That drive to succeed creates a spirit of fearlessness and boldness. That’s what you need to be innovative!

These sources can provide the inspiration you need to be creative. Take a different approach. That’s a surefire way to stand out from everyone else. You can expect great results when you elevate the thought process for innovation.


Managing Your Time to Achieve Success

Living in the 21st century can be overwhelming. Your job is busier than ever, your kids are involved in several after-school activities, and you’re busy keeping up with everything else around the house. Yet, you long to do other things that require a time commitment. Will you ever be able to juggle everything and still do the things you enjoy?

The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same

– Colin R. Davis

Institute these changes today so you can achieve the success you crave:


1. Obtain a calendar and use it.

If you’re trying to juggle too many things, it’s imperative that you have a calendar. A calendar will help you schedule events, keep track of where you need to be, and figure out how much time is left over.

  • Buy a pocket calendar at your local office supply store and keep it in your purse or briefcase.
  • Alternatively, use the scheduling program in your smartphone.

  • Use your calendar as a way to keep track of all the important events in your life.

2. Write Everything Down.

You can be more realistic about what you can accomplish when you write down everything you have to do. This will help keep you focused and on-task.

You deserve to have a restful mind. Avoid having chaos in your head by keeping a written record.

3. Be realistic about the timelines you establish

Can you really get ready for the neighborhood yard sale in 3 days? Gauge how much time you’ll need to be fully prepared and create a reasonable timeline for big projects.




8 Signs That You’ll Be Successful

Why are some people successful while others are not? How can you predict if you or someone else will be successful? Each goal requires different skills and actions, so it’s difficult to crate a list of attributes that covers every type of goal. Completing a marathon requires a different set of steps than writing a novel. 

However, there are some characteristics that help make success more likely.

He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how – Frederich Nietzsche

You can develop these characteristics and become more successful:

1.  You know what you want. 

Success is a narrow line. It’s almost impossible to hit it on accident. You have to know your target. The average person isn’t clear on what they want. Consequently, they get average results. Be clear on what you want and you’re one step closer to being successful.


2.  You have predominantly positive feelings when you think about your goals. 

A great way to gauge the likelihood of achieving a goal is to think about it and see how you feel. If you’re excited and motivated, that’s a great sign. If you clench up, you’re going to struggle.

3.  You take action daily. At the end of the day, you must take consistent action to be successful at anything. 

There’s no amount of hoping, praying, planning, or sending positive mental messages to the universe that’s going to remove those unwanted pounds or put a shiny, new Porsche in your garage.

4.  You’re organized and reliable. 

Conscientiousness is strongly correlated with success. If you’re organized, complete tasks on time, and are less likely to procrastinate than the average person, there’s a great chance you’ll be successful. Begin by making a list each day of what you want to accomplish and follow that list. If you can begin making plans and stick with them, you’ll be more conscientious than most.

5.  You’re not afraid of failing. 

Most people are too afraid of failing to even try. Having the right attitude about failing makes it much easier to be successful. Fear of failure leads to excuses and avoidance. This isn’t the way to achieve success.


6.  You invest in yourself. 

It’s important to continue becoming a better version of yourself. Take the time to read books, learn new skills, attend courses, and become a more capable version of yourself. Investing time, money, and energy in yourself will pay off for the rest of your life.

7.  You have self-awareness. 

This means you know your strengths and weaknesses. You know how to motivate yourself when your motivation is dwindling. You can deal with your emotional ups and downs. You know how to manage yourself.

8.  You have a mentor. 

Why make all the same mistakes everyone else has made that has previously traveled the path you’re on? A mentor can greatly cut your learning curve and help you to avoid mistakes. The right mentor can save you a lot of time and pain.
It’s easy to see that these attributes and conditions will increase the odds of success. If you’re chasing after a goal, see how well your situation matches this list. It will give you a good idea if you can expect a positive outcome, or if some modifications need to be implemented to increase your odds of success.
How successful do you want to be?